Endless Battle: RSpec vs. MiniTest
Hello 👋 As a Ruby developer, testing is an integral part of the software development lifecycle. Ruby’s vibrant ecosystem provides two prominent testing frameworks: RSpec and MiniTest. While both s...
Hello 👋 As a Ruby developer, testing is an integral part of the software development lifecycle. Ruby’s vibrant ecosystem provides two prominent testing frameworks: RSpec and MiniTest. While both s...
Hello 👋 I have been writing Ruby since 2010. At the beginning of my Ruby adventure I didn’t have no idea what modules in Ruby is. Ruby is a beginner-friendly programming language but after some ti...
Hello 👋 It’s that time of year again - time for looking back and thinking about what happened this year. I’m sitting at my computer to write about my year. There’s a dog barking outside, and thoug...
Hello 👋 Intro Welcome to another post where I’ll share what I learned from my Podiscover project. We’ll go through each lesson in detail to give you a good understanding of my journey. Before we ...
Hello 👋 A race condition happens when two or more parts of a program try to change the same information at the same time. Think of it like two people trying to edit the same document simultaneousl...
Hello 👋 When I started learning Ruby programming, I loved using if statements because they were easy to understand and could be used everywhere. However, as I built bigger projects, I noticed a pr...
Hello 👋 Ruby provides multiple ways to access Hash values. The dig method offers a safe approach for retrieving values from nested Hash or Array structures. Let’s explore how dig works, along with...
Hello 👋 When I started my career, I was full of energy and saw endless possibilities ahead. But after 13 years in the same profession, something changed. Now I often wonder: Am I running out of ch...
Hello! I am still working professionally with the Ruby programming language, which I first started in 2011. I love the community as much as the language itself, and I am always proud to be a part o...
Hello! I attended Balkan Ruby 2024. I had never attended any conferences abroad. This was my first abroad conference, and I was very excited. I chose to attend Balkan Ruby as it was held in Sofia, ...